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  • 1 ч 30 мин

The aim of this workshop is to let the participants learn the very essence of DevOps on a workshop that is built using LEGO Serious Play technique. 

We will simulate 4-5 Iterations, using LEGO to build and deploy user stories into Production. After setting the stage, I start forming two teams (6-7 member each, so 12-14 max for the Workshop) a Dev and an Ops, with instructions, deliverables and Performance Indicators. We run cc. 10 minutes Iterations, then run a Retrospective at the end of Each to learn and adjust.

After 4-5 Iterations the teams start to reform themselves based on their practical learning, and build speed and efficiency into their working practice.

At the end of the workshop we discuss the learnings and key takeaways.

This workshop has been run sever times (covering hundreds of people, from engineers, through customer support, and even finance) in several Countries with great success in teaching the basic concept of DevOps culture.

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