Help! We have a QA Problem!

  • 40 мин

This is about a real case of too many developers feeding too few testers, causing a testing backlog of half a year, with many angry customers waiting for too long for solutions to their problems. One senior tester just had left the company. There was only one senior and one junior tester left. They were facing this huge backlog of work and didn’t know where to start. 

We’ll show how empowerment of the testers, careful planning, and involvement of the developers allowed the testers to catch up in about 9 weeks, systematically making customers happy one by one along the way. The senior tester learnt how to plan the work of the testers effectively and efficiently in sync with the developers so that there were no backlogs ever since. Trust by customers who were in the process of abandoning the supplier was restored causing a turnover to grow enormously since.

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